
The Commandant, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Kaduna, Air Vice Marshal Paul Olugbeji Jemitola has tasked the Institute’s Management with ensuring that AFIT gains the position as the nation’s foremost aviation institution by organizing seminars, engaging in research, startups, and embarking on bold projects. The Commandant stated this in his inaugural management meeting where he unveiled his vision which is “To transform the Air Force Institute of Technology into a global centre of multi-disciplinary academic and research excellence whilst functioning as the prime technical manpower development resource of the Nigerian Air Force”. He also unveiled the drivers of the vision as follows; Engender a driven and motivated workforce, Produce globally competitive graduates in the emerging technologically driven market, Pursue cutting edge research, Foster mental and physical well being of staff and students, and lastly Sustain drive for acquisition,maintenance of equipment and infrastructure, he said.
While making reference to the third key driver which is to “Pursue cutting edge research” AVM Jemitola said that under his command the Institute shall design and build a very simple aircraft called the AFIT Light Trainer Aircraft (ALTA) with functional requirements premised on low purchase and operating costs as well as simplified logistics support architecture and integrated vehicle health monitoring. In his presentation, the Commandant showed videos of past projects under him to further motivate the staff. While speaking, he said “although the ALTA project seems daunting, it is achievable with the right attitude and commitment”
The Commandant further stated that the Institute can maintain her position as the nation’s top aviation institution through seminars, short courses and trainings by focusing on areas of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Integration Power, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Other areas of focus include Aviation safety seminars, Gas Turbine or Power seminars. He also noted that the suggested seminars and trainings can be conducted locally or internationally to further drive visibility for the Institute.