Mechatronics Engineering is an emerging area of engineering arising from the increasing integration of electronic intelligence into mechanical systems. This discipline is a hybrid between Mechanical, Electronic and Computer Engineering. This discipline is a Mech-Electro Engineering, Electro-Mechanical Engineering. The name “Mechatronics” seems to be the most popular description of the programme. Examples of mechatronic devices are CNC machines, robotic manipulators, aircraft systems, cameras, video recorders, etc. Mechatronics involves the effective application of electronics and computing to simplify and enhance the performance and control of mechanical systems. It requires the study and application of principles of mechanics, electronics, control, microprocessors, software/information engineering and materials and their effective integration leading to the design of sensor-based computer controlled, intelligent mechanical products and systems. Thus, Mechatronics engineers have multidisciplinary skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and computing. Core mechatronics courses include: electronics, microprocessors, software engineering, sensors and actuators, mechanical systems, control engineering and signal processing. Design and systems integration is an essential part of mechatronics and so the programme has placed great emphasis on design projects,
The Mechatronic Engineering Department (MCT) in AFIT commenced operation in October 2019. This was possible with the intervention of the NUC and COREN. MCT is one of the five Departments in the Faculty of Air Engineering (FAE) in AFIT. The pioneer degree students are in their 100 level at the moment.
Mechatronics Engineering program in AFIT is organized to enhance versatile career opportunity of prospective graduates in all sectors such as Mechatronics, aeronautics, aerospace, automotive, electronics, computer, aviation, control and instrument engineer, maintenance, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, textile, processing paper and wood processing industries and power generation. Prospective graduates’ responsibilities are based on design, construction and maintenance of intelligent systems, control systems, and consumer products. Other areas include oil and gas, solid materials, construction companies, agricultural mechanization, defense/security, public utilities, government services, management and engineering consultancy, teaching/research, hospital and biomedical engineering sectors.
The Department is engaged in both excellent teaching and quality research. It requires the scientific control and use of human resources to achieve optimum results in his/her activities. In this view, aspect of industrial engineering application and management science form an integral part of the courses given in the programme.
In addition, each student will undergo about one year industrial training to be spread across the 5 year period as follows: 2 months at the end of 200 level course work, 3 months at the end of 300 level course work and the entire second semester of 400 level which is slated to be 6 months and attracts 2, 3 and 6 credit unit respectively.
The creation of the department is most appropriate and beneficial to the Military, the state and the nation’s economy at large. This has happened at the period when the nation is striving towards technological independence. This development will go a long way in assisting the military, state and others in advancement of the national economy.