Studying mathematics helps you develop skills in logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, which are valued by employers across many job sectors. Mathematics graduates are respected for their excellent quantitative and problem solving abilities and win a wide range of rewarding positions in the public and private sectors. The career opportunities and job prospects in mathematics include:
Lecturer/Professor, Numerical Analyst, Business Analyst, Financial Analyst, Research Analyst, Operation Analyst, Actuarial Analyst, Data Analyst, Research Scientist, Secondary School Teacher, Data Scientist, Chartered Accountant, Software Engineer etc.
Objectives of the Department
- To instil in students a sense of enthusiasm for Mathematics, an appreciation of its application in different areas and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
- To provide students a broad and balanced foundation in Mathematics, knowledge and practical skills in computer science.
- To develop in students the ability to apply their Mathematics, knowledge and skills to the solution of theoretical and practical problems in Mathematics and to humanity.
- To develop in students, through an education in Mathematics, a range of transferable skills of value in Mathematical/Statistics related and non – Mathematical related employment.
- To provide students with knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to further studies in specialized areas of Mathematics or multi-disciplinary areas involving Mathematics.
- To generate in students an appreciation of the importance of Mathematics in an industrial, economic, environmental and social context.
- At the end of the programme, the students will be more creative and more adoptable to the need of the society.