Recent developments in computing, network technologies, internet, cloud technologies have made reliability and secure exchange of digital information vital to most human activities including banking, medicine, infrastructure management and elections. As the use of information technology expands, so are the potential consequences of cyber-attacks, and the need for skilled workforce to prevent and defend against them. Unfortunately, the pool of available talent to build and certify applications designed to withstand attacks, diagnose and prevent security intrusions is inadequate to meet the growing needs all over the world. Government agencies, business organizations, industries and military are scrambling to find qualified professionals to safeguard their systems, businesses and infrastructures. AFIT, in pursuance to increase the needed manpower globally, introduced the Cyber Security as a degree course.
To evolve a broad strategy for human resource development that encompasses educational, cultural, social and political development such that graduates can possess the unique cyber security ability to protect digital assets, guard critical infrastructure, and business ecosystem amongst others.
To build capacity and develop human capital in the field of cyber security, and to safeguard business transactions as well as corporate assets nationally and globally. In other words, the cyber security programs is to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills required to protect people, computers, networks, programs, data and other critical infrastructure from attack, damage or unauthorized access.
1. Provide graduates with broad and balanced foundational knowledge of cyber security
2. Equip graduates with the capacity to analyse cyber security threats and risks for organizations
3. Develop graduates on basic skills that would enable them to detect and prevent cyber-fraud
4. Equip graduates with the capacity to develop detective codes and supportive software agents to address cyber security threats
5. Equip graduates with digital forensic science techniques for the detection of cybercrimes
6. Equip graduates with knowledge of crytopgraphy for privacy of information on computer systems
7. Prepare graduates for the purpose of self-employment and job placement in government and industries and
8. Develop graduates for professional practice and commitment to lifelong learning.