The Department of Computer Science is one of the largest academic departments in every Institution. It is one of the departments in the Faculty of Computing, Air Force Institute of Technology. The Department aims to equip students with high academic standard through teaching and research activities. Specifically, the programmes are designed to provide training in Computer Science and enhance students’ cognitive abilities.

Aim and Objectives

The aim and objectives of Bachelors honours degree programme in Computer Science include:

  1. Create in students the awareness of and enthusiasm for Computer Science and its capabilities;
  2. Involve the students in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying;
  3. Provide a broad and balanced foundation in Computer Science knowledge and practical skills;
  4. Develop in students through an education in Computer Science a range of transferable applicable skills of Information Technology to all aspects of human endeavours;
  5. Generate in students an appreciation of the importance of computer in an industrial, economic, technological and social context; and
  6. Provide students with knowledge and skills base for further studies in Computer Science or multi-disciplinary studies involving computer science.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the general entry requirements from Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and requirements for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), candidates seeking admission into Department of Computer Science at Air force Institute of Technology must possess the following requisite requirements:

i) Five credits in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its equivalent in relevant subject areas, including English Language, Mathematics and Physics in not more than two sittings.

ii) Candidates for admission by Direct Entry (DE) must have credit passes in General Certificate in Education (GCE) ‘A’ Level examinations or Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) or its equivalent in minimum of two science subjects.

Course Requirements

Courses terminologies:

i) Core/Compulsory Course:

A course which every student must compulsorily take and pass in any particular programme at a particular level of study

 ii) Elective Course:

A course that students take within or outside the faculty. Students may graduate without passing the course provided the minimum credit unit for the course had been attained.

iii) Optional Course

A course which students can take based on interest and may count towards the minimum credit unit required for graduation.

 iv) Pre-requisite Course

A course which student must take and pass before taking a particular course at a higher level.

 v) Required Course

A course that you take at a level of study and must be passed before graduation.

vi) For each course specified, the categories to which it belongs, the weights (units) attached to each course and the level/year they could be offered on the programme is indicated.

vii) A unit of course is defined as one contact hour of lecture/tutorial or seminar.

viii) A student must take and pass a minimum of 15 and maximum of 24 credit units of courses in any given semester. A student must accumulate at least 30 units per level to qualify for graduation.

ix) All students for the four-year programme are required to take and pass for General studies (GST) courses before graduation.

x) A student must obtain at least 75% attendance in each course registered for to be eligible to sit for the end of examinations in the course.

xi) To graduate, students must register for courses as specified in this handbook and accumulate a minimum of 120 credit units/hours in total. The minimum period allowed for candidates to complete the programme is 6 semester or 3 years for DE students and 8 semester or 4 years for UME students and the maximum period is 10 semesters or 5 years for DE and 12 semesters or 6 years for UME students.



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 101 C Introduction to Computer Science I 3 2 1
CHM 101 R General Chemistry I 3 2 1
PHY 101 R General Physics I (Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Waves) 3 2 1
PHY 107 R General Physics Laboratory I 1  – 3
MTH 101 R General Mathematics I (Algebra and Trigonometry) 3 2 1
MTH 103 R General Mathematics III (Vector, Geometry and Dynamics) 3 2 1
GST 111 C Communication in English I 2 2 2
GST 121 C Use of Library, Study Skills and ICT 2 2
GST 113 R Nigerian People and Culture 2 2
  Total 22



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 102 C Introduction to Problem Solving 3 2 1
MTH 102 R General Mathematics II (Calculus) 3 2 1
PHY 102 R General Physics II (Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics) 3 2 1
PHY 108 R General Physics Laboratory II 1  – 3
STA 102 R Statistics for Physical Sciences and Engineering 2 2
BIO 102 E General Biology I 3 2 1
GST 112 E Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence 2 2
AFT 112 R Introduction to Aviation 1 2
  Total 18



C = Compulsory                                           L = Lecture Hours per semester

P = Practical Hours per semester              E = Elective

T = Tutorial                                                    R = Required



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 201 C Computer Programming I 3 2 3
CSC 205 C Principles of Operating Systems I 3 2 3
MTH 201 R Mathematical Methods 3 2 1  –
GST 223 R Entrepreneurship Studies I 3 2 3
GST 225 R Contemporary Health Issues 2 2
GST 211 R Environment & Sustainable Development 2 2
MTH 205 E Linear Algebra I 2 2
CSC 299 Industrial Training (12 weeks) 3
  Total 21



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 202 C Computer Programming II 3 2 3
CSS 204 C Fundamentals of Data Structures 3 2 3
CSC 218 C Foundation of Sequential Programming 3 2 3
CSC 208 C Discrete Structures (Computer Science) 3 2 1
CSC 212 R Computer Hardware 3 2 3
PHY 202 R Electric Circuit and Electronics 3 2 3
MTH 204 E Linear Algebra II 2 2
GST 222 C Communication in English II 2 2
  Total 22


Direct Entry students must offer the ALL the 100L GST courses



C = Compulsory                                           L = Lecture Hours per semester

P = Practical Hours per semester              E = Elective

T = Tutorial                                                    R = Required



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 301 C Structured Programming 3  2 3
CSC 305 C Principles of Operating Systems II 3 2 1
CSC 315 R Computer Architecture and Organization I 3  2 1
CSC 321 R System Analysis and Design 3  2 3
CSC 333 R Computational Science & Numerical Methods 3  2 1
GST 311 C Entrepreneurship Studies II 2  2 3
CSC 399 C Industrial Training (12 weeks) 6  –  –  –
  Total 22




Course Code Status Course Title                                                                             Unit L T P
CSC 310  R Algorithms and Complexity Analysis 3  2 1
CSC 302 C Object Oriented Programming 3 2 3
CSC 304 R Data Management I 3  2 1
CSC 314 R Computer Architecture and Organization II 3 2 1
CSC 316 E Compiler Construction I 3 2 1
CSC 332 C Survey of Programming Languages 4 2 3
GST 324 C Leadership Skills 2  2 1
GST 322 C Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 2  2
  Total 23


C = Compulsory                                           L = Lecture Hours per semester

P = Practical Hours per semester              E = Elective

T = Tutorial                                                    R = Required

400 Level Courses


Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 401 R Organization of Programing Language 3 2 1
CSC 411 R Artificial Intelligence 3 2 1
CSC 403 C Software Engineering 4 2  –  3
CSC 421 R Net-Centric Computing 3 2  1  –
CSC 419 C Project I 3
CSC  441 R Human Computer Interaction 2 2
CSC 423 C Computer Networks & Communications 3 2 3
  Total 21



Course Code Status Course Title Unit L T P
CSC 404 C Data Management II 3 2 3
CSC 416 E Compiler Construction II 3 2 1
CSC 482 E Modelling and Simulation 3 2 3
CSC 416 E Project Management 3 2 3
CSC 452 E Formal Models of Computation 3 2 3
CSC 418 C Project II 3
Total 18



C = Compulsory                                                L = Lecture Hours per semester

P = Practical Hours per semester              E = Elective

T = Tutorial                                                    R = Required