In demonstration of his loyalty to Nigeria and commitment to the ideals of the nation, a final year student of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Mr Ayagwa Success Fatar, has gone on a 64km run in commemoration of Nigeria at 64 years. According to Ayagwa, the intent of the race was to celebrate with Nigeria and hence he decided to go on the long distance run with each kilometre covered representing one year of Nigeria’s existence since independence. He stated that there was need to encourage Nigerians to believe in themselves and the nation adding that although the distance seemed impossible to cover within the 5 hours allotted to the event, he was able to achieve it. He added that the event was to prove that all things are possible if we put our minds to actualizing them.

Ayagwa expressed appreciation to the AFIT Commandant, AVM SL Rabe, for his outstanding leadership and support to students. He asserted that the continuous success of AFIT students in national competitions could be attributed to the guidance and leadership of the current Commandant. According to him, the admixture of military and civilian students in AFIT provides an opportunity for students to imbibe that military trait of discipline and commitment while still enjoying their civil nature through functional interaction with each other.

He urged citizens to look inward on what they can do for their country and not always the other way round and tagged the race “A NEW NIGERIA: RENEWED HOPE IS POSSIBLE”. Ayagwa who is a professional long distance runner, displayed patriotism and commitment to his dear country by marking the 64th National Independence Day in grand style with the 64km race. The race which started at about 4:00 am from the Air Force Institute of Technology main gate ended by the AFIT sports complex by 9:00 am. He was accompanied by a long distance instructor, Sergeant Wayo and fellow students on bicycles. He was received at the sports complex by students who have gathered to witness the student’s show of loyalty to his country. He advised other students to emulate such gesture and devotion to the country as patriotic citizens and worthy students of the Air Force Institute of Technology.

Bassey Okon PhD
Wing Commander
AFIT Director of Public Relations