Electrical Engineering



The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was among the first departments approved by AFIT governing Council and NUC in 2018/2019 academic session. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering is a 5-year or ten semester degree programme. Nine semesters of coursework and laboratory practical’s are spent in the Institute. The long vacation of eight weeks between the 200 level and 300 levels is devoted to SWEP (Students’ Work Experience Programme) in the different works and production centres of the Institute (e.g., Wood mill, batching plant, metal fabrication workshop, bakery, CLMT, construction sites, etc.). At 400 level, students embark on SIWES (Students Industrial Experience Scheme) which involves six months of industrial training, starting immediately after the First Semester. As a result, the first three years, that is, 100, 200, 300 levels, are 100% common to the other Engineering programmes offered in the Faculty of Ground and Communications Engineering.


Electrical and Electronic engineers are involved in channeling natural resources into various end-uses such as heating, lighting, home appliances, consumer products, computing, sensing, control, and communication. They contribute to systems and devices for power, instrumentation, measurement, communication, management, manufacturing, transportation, etc. They are primarily concerned with the processes of generation, transmission, transformation, control, and utilization of energy or information.


The philosophy of the programs in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is derived from AFIT Commandant’s Vision, “To transform AFIT into a word class institution and first choice for the study of Aerospace and Defense Engineering related programs. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, as the backbone of a knowledge-based economy, is highly dynamic and versatile. Therefore, the Department’s programmes aim to contribute effectively and sufficiently to the knowledge-based economy by putting in place the curriculum that exposes students to the breadth of electrical engineering and allows them to pursue electives in several areas including circuits, electronics, power systems, communications, signal processing, controls, electromagnetics, optic/devices, and computer engineering. In circuits and electronics, courses provide study of basic electrical devices–energy sources, resistors, inductors, capacitors, diodes, and transistors – and their interconnection in operational networks. Circuits design and analysis techniques are covered with both analog and digital applications. In power systems, courses emphasize the design and applications of motors, generators, transformers, distribution systems, high-voltage devices, and power electronics. In communications signal processing, courses include concepts required for the characterization and manipulation of information-bearing signals, modulation systems, wireless networks, image processing, and detection hardware.

The training is to produce graduates, who will be producers rather than mere consumers of knowledge and who upon graduation, will be functional engineers in industries, research centers, scholars in academia, or successful entrepreneurs in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering sectors.



In order to actualize the philosophy of the Department, emphasis is placed on the following objectives:

  • To facilitate a good grasp of a broad spectrum of engineering principles by students.
  • To facilitate the acquisition of practical work experience.
  • To inculcate entrepreneurial, marketing, and management skills in students.
  • To enable students to engage extensively in electrical and electronics engineering research and development.

The evolution of microelectronics and computer technology brought about Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) to become economically the most promising activities. Transmission of information via picture, voice or data is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of modern society. New computer technologies have significantly improved automatic control in processing industry, ship handling, flying an aircraft, sophisticated robots and modern medical equipment. Well-educated professionals, capable of keeping abreast of the latest developments, are the fundamental prerequisite of quick and prestigious development. It is therefore only by excellent education that we can successfully keep pace with modern scientific achievements and with technological challenges.

It is pertinent to note that: sustainable, reliable, and affordable electric power and information services are indispensable to achieving these goals.

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineeringoffers courses that are designed to train students to make original contributions and play leading roles in a global context. In all the programmes students are expected to be able to:


  • Design electrical and electronics engineering projects and supervise their constructions.
  • Design and make electrical and electronic components, devices and systems.
  • Design and develop innovative products and production techniques in the electrical and electronics engineering industries.
  • Install and maintain electrical and electronics engineering systems for optimal performance in the local environment.
  • Adapt and adopt exogenous technology in order to solve local engineering problems.
  • Investigate and develop systems according to specifications.
  • Function on multidisciplinary projects; and
  • Guide projects from specifications, through design, simulation, production, and testing.

Therefore, the programme is designed to provide the requisite human capacity in electrical and information industries which are essential to drive the government’s development agenda.

The Department is accordingly equipped and positioned to produce the manpower needed by the nation to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Vision 20: 2020 which are centered on poverty eradication and capacity building.


The activities of the department range from teaching, research, community development, administration and Consultancy.


One of the most important function of the university is that of producing the manpower requirements of the society in which it is established. This Department specifically addresses itself to the development of the technical manpower requirement by the Electrical, Communications and other related industries in Nigeria. Courses offered include but are not limited to power, Machines Electronics, computers, Telecommunications and control. Each of these courses has its associated laboratory practical, where theories are tested and technical skill are acquired by the students. Tutorials and lectures are also offered.


Research is an integral part of the functions of this Department. Individual and group of individual undergo in their respective field of interest, the department also play a roles in giving guidance and direction to younger researcher. This will be in addition to the role I giving guidance and directions to the research thesis and project undertaken by both undergraduate and postgraduate student.

Some of the areas of research undertaken and underway in the Department include:

  • Renewable Energy Studies
  • Reliability Assessment of Power Systems
  • Quality of Service
  • Wireless Communications
  • Embedded System
  • Control and Robotic Systems
  • Network Engineering
  • System Modeling and Optimization

The Department organizes seminars for both staff and postgraduate students. The Department also encourages its staff to attend conferences and workshops, and training courses in other to keep up with development and current thinking in the field of Electrical Engineering.

Admission Requirements


The minimum entry requirement for admission into Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering undergraduate programs is O/L SSCE/GCE/NECO Credit level pass in five (5) subjects, including English and Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and either credit pass in Further Mathematics, Biology, or Technical Drawing. Candidates are also expected to sit for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and attain the prescribed institution cut-off marks in it.

However, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) conducts screening exercise for all candidates seeking admission into the Institute and applicants may not be admitted without fulfilling the demands of the screening exercise. Grades and test scores help us to assess candidates’ academic promise.

Course Requirements

The courses within the Faculty are categorize as follows

Core courses

Cognate courses

Restricted Electives

Core Courses are central to the degree programme in view and are offered by the Department offering the degree. Units must constitute NOT LESS than 60 % of all the courses units that the students must offer to meet up the requirement

Cognate Courses are prescribed courses from related fields offered by services Department. Which are essential for understanding and application of the students’ major field. A student must pass all the cognate courses to be eligible graduation

General Courses are courses offered by the university to all students offered admission irrespective of degree program been pursued. A student must pass all the general courses to be eligible for graduation.

Restricted Electives are set of courses from which a student is made to select one or more as the case might be. These courses may be from within or outside the department but a student must pass the minimum required number of restricted elective courses to be eligible for graduation

Unrestricted Electives are courses, normally from outside the department, which are opted for by the student accordance with his or her own interest. These courses MUST NOT constitute more than 5% of the total courses unit require for graduation but a student must pass the minimum required number of unrestricted elective course to be eligible for graduation.



Registration of student offered provisional admission into the institute is conducted in a central location (ICT Lab) and lasts for between one and two weeks. Registration process commence with a screening of document and credentials (origin copies of SSCE/NECO  O’ LEVEL, UTME/Post –UTME Result slips, Birth Certificate /Declaration of Age etc. This done by a representation of Academic office and the Departmental Registration officer, then admission letter and matriculation number are issued to a cleared candidates. No Student will be registered with any O LEVEL deficiencies. The details of the cleared students are then uploaded onto the Registration Portal. Using the assigned matriculation number, a student then prints out the fees details from the portal and proceeds to make payments at any of the designated Banks. The Bank payment process will generate a transaction ID which will be used to confirm and finalize payment on the portal. The student will then proceed to complete the on-line course registration. The printed registration form and payment details will then be endorsed by the Head of Department and the Dean to complete the registration process.


Examinations are normally held at the end of each semester. Examinations may take the form of written papers, oral, practicals, submissions of projects, any combination of these or any other form as may be approved by the Senate of the Institute. The continuous assessment is normally included in determining the final score of any examination.

It shall be the responsibility of each student to make sure that he/she is registered for the appropriate examination  and that he/she knows the dates, time, and places of the examination for which he is registered for.


In order to be admitted to any examinations, a student must have been registered for the course to be examined and must have fulfilled the institute requirements for attendance (75%), registration fees, or other matter. At least 75% attendance is required in all classes, tutorials, laboratories, etc. to qualify to sit for semester examination. The student must also fulfill any other Departmental requirements regarding satisfactory completion of any course work, practicals, assignments, projects, or other matters.



  • A student shall be at the examination venue at least thirty (30) minutes before the advertised time for the examination.
  • A student is required to supply his own writing and drawing materials, calculators, etc.
  • A student may be admitted up to forty-five (45) minutes after the start of the examination but he shall not be allowed any extra time.
  • A student may be allowed to leave the examination room during the course of an examination provided that:
  • No student shall normally be allowed to leave during the first fifteen minutes of the examination.
  • A student must hand over his script to the Invigilator before leaving if he does not intend to return.
  • A student who leaves the examination room shall not be re-admitted unless throughout the period of his absence, he has been continually under the supervision of an Invigilator or security personnel.
  • A student shall bring his ID card and examination card to each examination and display it in a prominent position on his desk.
  • Each student shall complete an attendance form bearing his name, registration number, booklet number and signature which shall be collected by the Invigilator.
  • During an examination, no student is allowed to talk to any other student, or except as essential to the Invigilator.
  • No book, printed paper or written document or unauthorized aid may be taken into the examination hall by any student except as may be stated in the rubrics of any examination paper.
  • A student must not, during an examination, directly or indirectly give assistance to any other student or permit any other student to copy from or otherwise use his papers.
  • Similarly, a student must not directly accept assistance from any other student or use any other student’s paper.
  • If any student is suspected or found to be infringing any of the above provisions or in any way cheating or disturbing the conduct of the examination, a report shall be made immediately after the examination to the Faculty Examination Officer and the Dean. The Dean will cause the circumstances to be investigated by the Faculty Examination Regulations and Irregularities Committee (ERIC) and report to the Faculty Board.
  • A student shall write his examination number, not his name, distinctly at the top of every page of the examination booklet or separate sheet.
  • The use of scrap paper is not permitted. All rough work must be done in the answer booklet and neatly crossed out. Except for the printed question paper, a student may not remove or mutilate ay paper or other materials supplied from the examination room.

For more detail check the AFIT Code of Conduct for Examinations, January 2019 which shall be review periodically.


  100 Level Electrical/Electronic Engineering Programme
Compulsory Courses Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite
MTH101 Elementary Mathematics I C 3 MTH102 General Mathematics II C 3
PHY101 General Physics I C 3 CHM102 General Chemistry II C 3
PHY107 GeneralPhysics Practical I C 1 CHM108 General Chemistry Practical II C 1
CHM107 General Chemistry Practical I C 1 PHY102 General Physics II C 3
CHM101 General Chemistry I C 3 PHY108 General Physics Practical II C 1
GET111 Basic Engineering Drawing C 2 GST 102 Communication II C 2
GST107 Communication in Arabic E 2 GST 104 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence C 2
GST109 Communication in French E 2 GST 106 Contemporary Health Issues C 2
AFT 101 Introduction to Aviation R 1
GST105 Use of Library Study Skill and ICT R 2
GST103 Nigerian, People and culture R 2
CSC101 Introduction to Programming C 2
GST101 Communication in English I C 2
TOTAL 24 TOTAL 17 41





  200 Level Electrical/Electronic Engineering Programme
Compulsory Courses Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite
GST211 Environment and Sustainable Development C 2 GET210 Engineering Mathematics II C 2
GST223 Introduction to Entrepreneurship C 2 GET204 Fundamental of Thermodynamics C 3
GET211 Computer Programming 1 C 3 GET222 Engineering Drawing II C 2
GET203 Engineering Drawing I C 2 GET223 Fluid Mechanics C 2
GET209 Engineering Mathematics I C 3 GET208 Strength of Materials C 3
GET213 General Engineering Laboratory Course C 1



GET 212 Engineering Materials C 3
GET207 Applied Mechanics C 3 GST214 General Engineering Laboratory II C 1
GET205 Fundamental of fluid Mechanics C 3 GST 204 Leadership Skills C 2
GET201 Applied Electricity I C 3 GET228 Applied Electricity II C 2
GET 200 Student Workshop Experience I C 2
TOTAL 22 TOTAL 22 44





  300 Level Electrical/ElectronicS Engineering Programme
Compulsory Courses Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite
GET310 Engineering Mathematics III C 3 GET209
EEE301 Electromagnetic Fields & Waves I C 3
EEE303 Communication Principles C 3
EEE305 Physical Electronics C 3 GET201
EEE307 Electric Circuit Theory I C 3 GET201
EEE309 Electrical Machines I C 3 GET201
EEE318 Laboratory Course I C 3
GET303 Engineer-in-Society C 1
University Courses GST311 Entrepreneurial Development Studies V R 1
NUC General Courses GST311 History and Philosophy of Science R 1



Course Code Course Title Status Units Pre- Requisite
GST320 Engineering Mathematics IV C 2 GET310
EEE314 Measurement and instrumentation C 2
GET304 Engineering Communication C 1
EEE306 Analogue Electronics C 2 EEE305
EEE310 Electromechanical System C 2 EEE309
EEE318 Linear System C 2
EEE316 Signal and Systems C 2
EEE327 Digital Electronics Circuit C 3
EEE312 Laboratory Course II C 3
19 42
GET300 Student Workshop Experience II C 2

400 Level Courses

400 Level Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Course Code Course Title Status Units  
EEE 401 Circuit Theory II C 3
EEE 402 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves II     R 3
EEE 403 Communication Principles C 4
EEE 404 Electric Power Principles     R 3
EEE 405 Advanced Electronics C 3
EEE 406 Control Theory C 3
MAT441 Complex Analysis R 2
MAT443 Numerical Analysis R 3


Course Code Course Title Status Units  
GET400 Student Industrial Work Experience scheme (SIWES) [Industrial Training] C 6  
TOTAL 6 30


500 Level Courses

500 Level Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Course Code Course Title Status Units  
EEE 503 Control Engineering C    3
EEE 505 Electromechanical Devices Design    R 2
EEE 507 Advanced Computer Programming and Statistics    R 2
GET 501 Engineering Management    R     3
EEE 508

Digital Signal


 E 3





Course Code Course Title Status Units  
EEE 502 Reliability and Maintainability Engineering C 2
EEE 504 Advanced Circuit Techniques     C 2
EEE 506 Electrical services Design C 2
GET 502 Engineering Law     R 2
EEE 599 Final Year Project C    6
  16  24


Prof. Matthews V.O.